About Us

Sew Cumbria

Welcome to our little section where the stitches of our story are put together, so you can learn more about us!

Back in 2018 we founded "Lakes and Fells Workshop Retreats" where we offered a range of craft workshops, including sewing classes taught by Lucy. Fast forward 4 years and Lucy's sewing classes took off in a way that she could only dream, but her dream became a reality when she took the next step to find Sew Cumbria, turning her hobby, passion and enthusiasm into a way of life. 

Passionate about sewing, Lucy curates a wide range of sewing classes and sewcials to cater for all skill levels and sewing interests. We primarily teach from the heart of the North Cumbrian market town, Penrith, based at Just Sew, but we often go on road trips and teach at different venues throughout Cumbria. Our mission is simply to spread the word of sewing and creativity through our workshops and ultimately the bringing together of and supporting (and growing!) this wonderful sewing community that is based here in Cumbria. 

We hope that you will join us on a workshop/sewcial soon, as Sew Cumbria threads the needle of creativity and embarks on a seamless adventure!

Sew Cumrbia Logo

About Lucy

"Sewing isn't a passion, it's part of my personality". 

Sewing is in my genes. Gran and Mum always had, and still do, have their sewing machines whirring away on the dining table, so it was inevitable that I too would get absorbed into the sewing world and have sewn for as long as I can remember. 

Sewing brings joy and passion to my life, it's an escape, it's a way to be creative. If I'm not sewing, then you can bet that I will be thinking about it - whether it's planning my next fabric purchase, deciding on my next project or thinking through the method for an alteration...as I say, sewing is part of my personality! The joys of sewing, specifically dressmaking, is that from this craft, I now have clothes that are made by me, for me! They fit, they are in the style and colour that I want (not what the high street wants me to have!). Then there is the sense of achievement that you just made that, all from a flat piece of fabric. 

It's this passion that drives me to teach, share and pass on this skill that we call sewing!

Lucy of Sew Cumbria